All technologies have a life cycle 

All technologies that are once new one day become obsolete.
How old is your smart phone?

NuTech has been in business for well over 25 years. NuTech has always prided itself and is known as the company that always has the best solution in a particular technology category. 

Although its roots are in the messaging space being the first with Fax on Demand and Fax Servers back in the 80's, Blackberry's and at the turn of the century Email Archiving, Instant Messaging Compliance and eDiscovery, NuTech has focused on the intricacies of Cyber Security for over the past 10 years - simply because it has become more critical to large corporations ongoing business continuity

NUTECH does business with smart people in smart companies. Those that understand the competitive benefits of adopting the newest technologies in emerging spaces instead of waiting until an industry consultant tells them it's ok to invest in an area - then purchase a tool or solution that is on its way to obsolescence

It's a fine line - finding solutions that are early but solid and waiting until a product becomes an industry leader, as it slides down the technology curve and its replacement is coming up the curve.

Within the world of Cyber Security, NuTech focuses on providing the finest solutions in the areas of:









Anomali – threat intelligence platform
Checkmarx – software security platform built for CI/CD
CrowdStrike – cloud based endpoint protection
Cymulate – optimizes security controls with automated SaaS
Demisto – security orchestration & automation
Exabeam – behavior-based security intelligence
Fidelis XPS – advanced threat defense 
Garrison – secure remote browsing
GuardiCore - internal data center security
Lumu Technologies - illuminates threats and attacks affecting enterprises

Mobile Iron – mobile device manager  & security
Quantum Xchange – point-to-multi-point key distribution
Security Scorecard – security rating platform
Skybox – consolidated firewall management
Splunk – enterprise log search & operational intelligence
Stealthwatch – visibility & security analytics across network & cloud
TrapX – deception-based cyber security
Vectra Networks – automates threat management solutions
Zayo – fiber network

Every NuTech customer is currently trying to solve the problems of protecting their most important assets with the biggest risks to their business. Each corporation is different and are tackling Cyber threats at different speeds. There are many ways Cyber criminals can steal the assets of large corporations. There are many ways in to breach and many ways out to exfilltrate what they came for. Each hole must be plugged.

Like an onion, protection against threats needs to be a multi-layered approach...

And while important - soley using prevention doesn't work anymore. The days of Anti Spam and Anti Virus are over. Hackers are too sophisticated. So you need sophisticated tool sets to combat them.

Companies must be reactive AND proactive. Along with prevention, you must be able to HUNT the criminals that are right now hiding in your network. Defense be Offence. You need to have both to win and investing in tools that HUNT and find criminals before they get what they came for and leave.

NuTech susses out the vendors and solutions it provides. A Vender/tool must have large referencable customers that have demonstrated that the solution scales. It must be realistically priced and the company must provide quality support. It's financials must be strong with adequate funding and be profitable.

NuTech is nimbal. It's allegiance is to its customers more than its partners. As competitive solutions in a particular space arise and become proven - NuTech makes the change to adopt them. NuTech will never be involved with a solution on its way to obsolescence.